Exploración de relaciones causales entre accidentalidad vial y productividad empresarial usando dinámica de sistemas.

Published in Scientia et Technica, 2018

Recommended citation: Duarte Forero, E., Camacho Oliveros, M., & Meneses Velosa, S. (2018). Exploring relations between traffic accidents and business productivity using system dynamics. Scientia Et Technica, 23(2), 204-213. https://doi.org/10.22517/23447214.17581 https://revistas.utp.edu.co/index.php/revistaciencia/article/view/17581

A simulation model based on System dynamics was developed to explore the specific relations among the behavior of drivers and the working pressure of their jobs, and the traffic controls made by government authorities. The analysis considers that an improvement in productivity and a fewer, but more intense traffic controls, is a valid strategy to reduce accidents in roads.